What you need is a HeadFire Revolution LED Head Light.
Designed to be worn on the head, the HeadFire Revolution LED Head Light not only frees up your hands but offers an instinctive means of illuminating the focus of your attention.
Resembling a watch for no apparent reason whatsoever, the HeadFire Revolution is not only a wise addition to any toolbox but could prove extremely useful for any task where use of your hands is required and light is a problem – from climbers to technicians to macine.
The HeadFire operates courtesy of three AAA batteries which will provide up to 45hrs of illumination via the LEDs which are mounted on a hinged mounting so as to ensure the light shines exactly where required.
A great addition to any toolbox – along with the previously featured (and rather brilliant) Multi Tool Hammer and the LED Multi Tool Screwdriver or perhaps with the Chocolate Tool Set for a little illicit midnight feasting – the HeadFire Revolution LED Head Light can be obtained from numerous online vendors for around £30 (the Koren site linked to presently appears to be out of stock).
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